

Many, different in natural variations of the gathering of savage vertebrates. This incorporates notable creatures like sable, badger, otter, ferret, American skunk. Genuine seals come from earthbound precursors basic with the marten. Altogether, there are in excess of 70 species in the family.

They are regularly little, extended, stocky creatures, ordinarily with a short tail. The weasel having a place with this family is the littlest delegate of the request for hunters, gauging close to 200 g, while the biggest ocean otter weighs up to 45 kg. A little head with short adjusted ears sits on a long, strong neck: we discuss insufferable turncoats - and where the head goes, the body goes as well. The appendages are abbreviated, normally plantigrade, in semi-amphibian structures with a swimming layer.

The coat is for the most part fleece, thick, particularly in otters living in vodekalana; in badgers, then again, the hide is hard and inadequate, more like fibers. The shading of the entire body or possibly the upper part is generally monochromatic earthy colored, yet it tends to be with a differentiating example of dull and light spots and stripes (showing shading). Some little occupants of northern scopes (weasel, stoat) change their dull coat to white for the colder time of year.

The kind of exhibition shading is typically joined with the solid advancement of uncommon aroma organs. They are Skunkslocated in the tail zone, produce a brutal and rotten mystery, a few animal categories (essentially skunks living in America), while guarding themselves, toss it at the adversary.

Weasels are far and wide wherever on the planet: they have dominated backwoods, deserts, and mountains, they live in freshwater repositories and on the shores of the ocean. They are predominantly land creatures, among which there are has not many dart frogs, and even they are substandard inability to some tropical civets. Among the mustelids, there are semi-land and water proficient animals - otters, sea otters... These creatures regularly live alone, they are regional and generally are not slanted to removed movements. Tunnels for the most part fill in as safe houses, which creatures "get" from casualties they have eaten or burrow themselves, at times complex lasting tunnels; the occupants of the trees take asylum in the hollows. Badgers living in northern woodlands nod off for the colder time of year, similar to bears.

Most species are carnivores, taking care of only little rodents and birds, others are omnivorous; semi-sea-going creatures favor fish. There are two fundamental sorts of mustelids relying upon their propensities. Some of them are portable, spry, move in little jumps with a firmly curved back, or, in a manner of speaking, "creep" along the ground among thick grass. They are little creatures like an ermine or a ferret that invest a large portion of their energy looking at openings and holes in rocks for rodents; comparative conduct in otters. They are dynamic trackers, following prey in its safe houses or getting them in the water. Others are somewhat substantial, not exceptionally portable, thick. Such are the manufacturers and occupants of huge underground tunnels - badgers and skunks, a considerable lot of them are the ablest diggers among predatory vertebrates. Like food, these remains are commonplace "pickers".

These creatures are situated essentially with the assistance of hearing, smell and sight are less evolved. The sounds transmitted by numerous weasels look like "twittering". The overall degree of mental action is lower than that of canids and bears: among weasels, hardly any species can be prepared.

An uncommonly drawn-out brooding period is typical for the raising of mustelids: in specific martens, it continues to go up to a year. This is because of a postponement in the advancement of undeveloped organisms, the reasons for which are as yet unclear. Whelps in a scope of 1-2 (for ocean otters) to 16-18. Naturally of improvement, martens, similar to all carnivores, have a place with the "chick" type. In any case, in certain species the "accompanying reflex" is showed, normal for the "brood" type: at a specific age, the youthful steadily follow the female or the article they have "engraved" as a mother.

Many mouse-eating weasels are important natural regulators of rodent numbers in nature. Some species - first of all, sable, otter, sea otter - have very valuable fur and are among the most important items of the fur trade. Some members of the family - first of all, the American mink, the same sable - are raised on fur farms.

For the most part, there are many common types. However, many furry animals in the recent past were on the verge of destruction due to overfishing, which has become very rare. Currently, they are protected, special work is underway to restore their numbers (this applies first of all to the sea otter, the sable).
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