White snot in adults

White snot in adults

Other symptoms, such as chills, fever, headache, and others, often accompany the appearance of white, profuse snot. "Mawahibi" tells what to do if discharge appears from the nose.

White snot in adults

A runny nose and the discharge of nasal mucus or snot is a natural reaction of the body to irritation of the nasal mucosa, the ingress of particles from polluted air onto it. Normally, mucus from the nose is colorless and should be clear or colorless. Mucus prevents dehydration of the nasal mucosa and helps to remove particles from the external environment. When the mucus turns white or yellow, then this is a reason to see a doctor.

Other symptoms, such as chills, fever, headache, and others, often accompany the appearance of white, profuse snot. These signs indicate a pathological process in the human body and are the reason for visiting an otorhinolaryngologist who can make an accurate diagnosis.

Causes of white snot in adults

One of the main causes of discolored discharge is viral rhinitis. Such discharge bothers the patient in the first 3-4 days of the disease. Then the discharge turns yellow or yellow-green. This is due to the addition of a bacterial infection.

The reason for the abundant discharge from the nose can be physiological reactions, for example, a decrease in air humidity, dehydration of the body. In this case, the mucous membranes secrete less water, and the production of mucin (a component of mucus) and salts remains at the same level. Thus, the nasal secretion thickens and becomes white.

In some cases, the occurrence of white snot is associated with the development of allergies, which is associated with the ingress of allergens into the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in the form of animal hair, plant pollen, house dust. In this case, the allergic nature of the rhinitis is evidenced by the seasonal nature of the rhinitis, for example, in the spring-summer period of flowering or contact with animals.

The cause of white snot can also be inflammatory diseases such as:

Sinusitis or inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. These diseases usually occur with fever, chills, nasal congestion. In this case, headaches, a feeling of fullness in the area near the nose and below the orbit are characteristic. The disease is accompanied by white or yellow discharge.

Adenoiditis - inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, more often occurs in children, but can also occur in adults. This disease is characterized by the secretion of mucus, which is difficult to blow your nose. Patients often complain of shortness of breath, nasal congestion, snoring during sleep.

Nasal polyps are formations in the nose from a hypertrophied mucous membrane. Their appearance may be associated with the presence of other diseases, such as allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, etc. Symptoms of polyps are nasal congestion, shortness of breath, secondary infection, headaches. Treatment of nasal polyps is mainly surgical, but after their removal, relapse is observed in 70% of cases.

Treatment of white snot in adults

Before prescribing treatment for white discharge, it is necessary to establish the cause of their appearance. Since white snot can be a sign of many diseases, the cause of their occurrence can only be established by an otorhinolaryngologist. Diagnostics is carried out in a medical institution and includes:

- a detailed survey (the patient talks about his complaints);
- examination of the patient, including rhinoscopy;
- a swab from the nasal mucosa to determine the causative agent of the disease, as well as the sensitivity of the flora to antibiotics.
To assess the condition of the paranasal sinuses, an otolaryngologist may also send an X-ray examination. A comprehensive assessment will help to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Treatment for white nasal discharge depends on the underlying cause. Drug therapy includes the appointment of vasoconstrictors, local antimicrobial drugs, antibiotics, and saline rinses.
- With a bacterial origin of secretions, local antibacterial agents are prescribed.
- If bronchitis is accompanied by white nasal discharge, your doctor may recommend antibiotics for tracheitis with fever.

- In case of allergic rhinitis, antihistamines are prescribed. It is also recommended to instill corticosteroid-based drugs in the nose, which relieve swelling and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

- Mucus production is very often accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane and nasal congestion. In such cases, it is advisable to prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs. These drugs should be used no longer than 3-5 days at the dose prescribed by your doctor. Uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drugs is dangerous by damage to the nasal mucosa and the development of dependence on them when normal breathing is impossible without their use.

- To liquefy thick secretions and rinse the nasal passages, the use of saline solutions and preparations based on seawater is recommended. Means based on seawater have practically no contraindications, but their effect is not as long-lasting as when using vasoconstrictor drugs. The washing procedure must be carried out strictly under the instructions because improper use of seawater sprays can lead to otitis media.

- Inhalation with essential oils is also recommended as an effective and safe means of normalizing nasal breathing. It is an effective and safe method to minimize the use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Essential oils have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane, reduce its swelling, facilitate breathing, and are not addictive. There are also whole compositions of essential oils that have a complex effect - they not only pierce the nose but also have antiviral and antibacterial effects. The advantage of this method is the possibility of its application without restrictions on the duration, ie until the very recovery, as well as a high safety profile and a minimum list of contraindications. Also, pharmacies have special inhaler patches, which allow inhalation not only without additional equipment and long preparations but anywhere, whether at work or at home. It is enough just to stick such an "ethereal" plaster on the clothes, and the inhalation is ready. Moreover, it will last for several hours.

There are also combined drugs, the components of which have different effects, for example, there are vasoconstrictor drugs, which also contain antibiotics.

Prevention of snot in adults

Measures to prevent white snot in adults include:

- strengthening the immune system;
- frequent stay on fresh vacation, regular outdoor recreation;
- a healthy lifestyle and quitting bad habits, primarily smoking;
- inhalation with essential oils.
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