Paleo diet: pros, cons, food list, and Nutritionist reviews

Paleo diet: pros, cons, food list, and Nutritionist reviews

The paleo diet is an interpretation of the diet of our ancestors who lived more than 10 thousand years ago. The result for modern followers is a toned figure and fewer health problems, just by observing the paleo menu for a week.

Paleo diet: pros, cons, food list, and Nutritionist reviews

Strictly speaking, paleo is not a diet, but a way of life, and it has no clear time frame. Nevertheless, the desired effect can be seen within a couple of weeks, and here it is important to adhere to the paleo-dietary principles of nutrition as long as possible.

When classifying the paleo diet, we can say that this is the principle of a diet with high protein content and a small number of carbohydrates. If we talk about proportions, then on a paleo diet, the diet consists of approximately 40% proteins, 40% fats, and 20% carbohydrates.
To decide how comfortable you are with the paleo diet, try following it for 30 days.

Pros of the paleo diet


Since the Paleo diet eliminates all types of refined sugar from your diet, it is easier to avoid the spikes in blood glucose levels and the fatigue that comes with dropping sugar levels. If you have diabetes, you should check with your doctor to see if they are okay with the paleo diet. Anyway, if you just want to feel better or lose weight, monitoring your blood sugar is a great way to do it.


On a paleo diet, you automatically eliminate any foods from wheat and other grains that contain gluten. So, in essence, on paleo, you are simultaneously on a gluten-free diet. There is a lot of evidence that gluten is problematic for the digestive system, directly leads to weight gain, and is an allergen.


By eliminating all artificial additives, you will find that the body naturally gets tired in the evening. This is because the serotonin your brain releases as a signal to sleep is not being blocked by artificial substances from refined foods. And when you start to get tired in the evening, you need to give your body a chance to rest. And wake up early in the morning and feel energized. On a paleo diet, your body will return to its natural circadian rhythm.


On a paleo diet, you get a well-balanced diet of protein, fat, and carbohydrates from natural foods. This is a great way to stay active throughout the day without resorting to, for example, energy drinks and other tonics. Unlike other calorie-based diets, the Paleo diet allows you to eat until you feel full. And also eat whenever you feel hungry. Therefore, you are not deficient in energy when you really need it.


By giving up many of the common things in modern life - trans fats, monosodium glutamate, refined sugar, gluten, and other artificial additives - you give your body a rest. By getting more antioxidants from fruits and more fiber from vegetables, you gradually cleanse your body. In general, it has a detoxifying effect and you will feel lighter and your consciousness will become clearer. The best part about this is that detox is not about eating restrictions. You don't need to fast or drink only green juice. You eat normally (sticking to the paleo principles), so this is a great detox for the lazy.
These benefits of a paleo diet are more related to health issues. You naturally get a slender and fit figure as a bonus to all of the above.

Cons of the paleo diet


It will take all the willpower and ingenuity to keep from falling apart. Birthday pizza? Cakes in a cafe with friends? Granny's apple pie? Ice cream in the park? All this is under the paleo ban. There are endless temptations. Even the usual business lunches for the most part do not fit the canons of the paleo diet. Therefore, stock up on lunch boxes, and may the Force be with you.


Fast food and junk food are quite cheap today, but they do not lead to health and harmony. Whatever the number of calories the labels promise you, it doesn't matter.

You will have to carefully choose products, focusing primarily on the composition and quality, and not on cost. It's great if these parameters can be combined. In addition, in a cafe or restaurant, you will become one of the pickiest and boring customers, finding out in detail from the waiter the composition of the dish and all the ingredients.
On the other hand, if you get into the habit of paleo lunch boxes, you can save a lot ...


A paleo diet is a systematic approach. As a game for a stable win, in the long run. It makes no sense to switch to paleo "urgently before vacation in order to urgently lose weight in two weeks." In this case, firstly: you will be disappointed without getting an instant result, and secondly: you will not have time to feel all the advantages and advantages of the paleo diet listed earlier.

Paleo Diet Food List

What you can do on a paleo diet

As with any diet, variety is important in the paleo. No matter how healthy the foods are, you can get tired of the monotonous menu day after day and lose interest.
Here is a list of some of the most popular foods to eat on the paleo diet. They are easy to find in most stores and provide great opportunities for culinary experimentation.
Paleo ancestors hunted and gathered for food. And this is a basic guide to food choices to follow when following the paleo diet today.

MEAT, POULTRY, GAME, AND BYPRODUCTS. There are no restrictions in this section, except that the preferred choice of fish and animals raised without modified feed, in vivo.
Beef, lamb, lamb, veal, pork, rabbit, chicken, duck, turkey, and all offal.

FISH, MOLLUSCS, AND OTHER GADS. Cod, tuna, mackerel, haddock, tilapia, herring, salmon, pike perch, trout, anchovy, perch, sea bass, halibut, mussels, shrimps, and other sea creatures.

EGGS. Chicken, quail, and duck eggs. For those who love experiments, ostrich ones are also suitable.

VEGETABLES, ROOTS, AND MUSHROOMS. If something went wrong in hunting and fishing, Paleolithic man had to apply the skills of gathering. Wild vegetables are unlikely today, so we choose organic in the store and in the market.

Spinach, chicory, Swiss chard, lettuce, cabbage, seaweed, arugula, beets, watercress, bell peppers, leeks, asparagus, celery, cauliflower, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, artichokes, avocado, broccoli, kohlrabi, eggplant, green onions, and Brussels sprouts. Zucchini, pumpkin, radish, parsnip, carrot, turnip, sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke.

FRUITS. Apples, pineapples, berries (blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries), oranges, bananas, grapefruit, figs, mango, kiwi, coconut, pears, dates, peaches, apricots, nectarines, watermelon, cherries, plums, papaya, lemon, persimmon, pomegranate, grapes, passionfruit, tangerine, and melon.

Remember that sweet fruits and paleo desserts are only acceptable occasionally, as an exception. Eating large amounts of them on a daily basis is not recommended.

FATS, NUTS, AND SEEDS. One of the important aspects of the paleo diet is that we don't avoid so-called “healthy fats”.

Olive oil, coconut oil, nut butter, avocado oil, lard, and animal fat, ghee. Sunflower seeds, almonds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, pecans, hazelnuts, chestnuts, pine nuts, macadamia nuts, and cashews.

SPICES AND HERBS. Almost everything, no limits.

NONE of the lists of acceptable paleo foods is exhaustive - there are a lot of options. In short: we use what is given by nature and avoid any products made by man.

What is not allowed on the paleo diet

Of course, it is difficult to put yourself in the shoes of people who lived tens of thousands of years ago, when the world was completely different. We can eliminate certain foods from the paleo diet with absolute certainty. Others are the subject of heated discussions or are in the so-called "gray zone" - that is, they are acceptable, but with reservations and restrictions.

The Paleolithic era lasted a very, very long time and included so many changes that we cannot know and take into account all of them. Therefore, the boundaries of what is permissible are at the discretion of everyone.

ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS. Additives to avoid not only on the paleo diet, but in general for a healthier diet: monosodium glutamate (MSG), nitrates, potassium bromate, saccharin, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, and GMOs.

FAST FOOD. If you are not from the Flintstones family, then fast food options are not for you. Refined oils, trans fats, sugars, breading, and artificial sauces have nothing to do with eating well. The relatively small amount of calories sometimes indicated on the package does not matter.

CEREALS AND PULSES. The paleo diet excludes all types of legumes. Wheat, oats, rye, beans, soybeans, buckwheat, rice, and other crops are prohibited. Thus, you give up the bread, porridge, croissants, and many other foods that you are used to.

MILK PRODUCTS. Since they come from animals, one would assume that dairy products are on the paleo diet list. But no.

Many adults are somewhat lactose intolerant, and humans are the only creature that drinks milk after infancy.

Ancient people could not have had the way and ability to drink milk or produce dairy products such as yogurt and cheese. Therefore, we refuse burrata, parmesan, and fermented baked milk.

POTATOES. Potatoes are so popular that it seems like they just can't be ruled out. It grows in the ground, and it might seem natural that a paleo man accidentally found some wild potatoes. Why not?

But, as it turns out, growing potatoes take a lot of effort. Therefore, its popularity increased only when a person stopped hunting and gathering, and began to stay in one place longer, engaging in agriculture and raising livestock.

ALCOHOL. There is a theory that an ancient man could one day find overripe and slightly fermented fruits and vegetables ... But, we understand that this is a very bold assumption. Alcohol is excluded from the paleo diet.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of foods that are banned from the paleo diet. But, it will help you get an idea of the long list of hardships and losses that you will face on the paleo dietary journey.

Paleo diet weekly menu

So, a clear understanding of the foods you can and cannot eat on the paleo diet will help you create your own individualized meal plan and menu for the week.
Simple dishes, a simple and free way of cooking - this is the basis of the paleo menu.

Day 1
Breakfast: scrambled eggs with tomatoes and bacon
Lunch: beef bone broth with spices and herbs, tuna salad with cucumber, seasoned with olive oil
Afternoon snack: green apple Granny Smith
Dinner: baked chicken breast with broccoli garnish, vegetable salad to your taste, seasoned with olive oil

Day 2
Breakfast: omelet with coconut milk
Lunch: roast beef
Afternoon snack: green apple or banana
Dinner: light vegetable soup

Day 3
Breakfast: scrambled eggs with champignons and green onions
Lunch: chicken liver pancakes, vegetable salad of your choice, seasoned with olive oil
Afternoon snack: any fruit
Dinner: light vegetable soup

Day 4
Breakfast: coconut flour paleo pancakes
Lunch: chicken broth with egg, spices and herbs, shrimp and avocado salad
Afternoon snack: sweet potato chips with rosemary
Dinner: cod baked on a cauliflower pillow

Day 5
Breakfast: egg gruel with smoked salmon
Lunch: broth with egg or vegetable soup, pork and beef patties, with Brussels sprouts
Afternoon snack: sweet potato chips with rosemary
Dinner: pork ribs in mustard sauce and cauliflower puree

Day 6
Breakfast: paleo almond flour pancakes
Lunch: pumpkin cream soup with bacon, vegetable salad with avocado and sun-dried tomatoes
Afternoon snack: paleo muffin with raspberries
Dinner: chicken baked with green apples

Day 7
Breakfast: scrambled eggs with broccoli, cherry tomatoes, and salmon
Lunch: marbled beef burger, vegetable salad
Afternoon snack: apple paleo charlotte
Dinner: tobacco chicken garnished with green beans and lemon-garlic sauce

The simpler the cooking process, the more it fits with the paleo concept.

Nutritionist reviews

- Paleo diet excludes protein deficiency - one of the causes of excess weight and obesity. It is necessary to control the amount and quality of protein to maintain optimal shape.

A large number of fresh plant foods will provide the body with fiber and healthy immunity, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

It is recommended to add vegetable protein to the diet, in the form of unprocessed cereals and legumes, with minimal heat treatment. Introducing coarse grains such as oats, barley, peas, and chickpeas will make the paleo diet close to ideal.

Avoiding refined foods and oils, simple carbohydrates, sugars, and flavor enhancers eliminates the paleo diet's complexities and disadvantages.
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